Tonewood Products
All of our products are made from local types of wood. Andrea Florinett selects each tree individually and his team from Florinett AG sees to it that they are felled during the correct phase of the moon. All further processing leading to the final productions of our soundboards is handled exclusively by our company. We guarantee the highest standard of quality control at each step in the process. All wood we offer is from Switzerland and all spruce is FSC certified.
=> Please note that the following pictures are sample pictures!
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Our types of wood
- Spruce (picea abies)
- Maple (acer pseudoplatanus)
- Cherry Tree (prunus avium)
- Walnut (juglans regia)
- Black walnut (juglans nigra)
- Pear (pirus communis)
- Ash (fraxinus excelsior)
- Yew (taxus baccata)
- False cypress (chamaecyparis)
- Alder (alnus glutinosa)
- Wild service tree (sorbus torminalis)
- Gleditsia (gleditsia triacanthos)
- London plane tree (platanus x acerifolia)
Instruments that our customers have built with our thermo modified, moon and hardwood: